View our Accessibility Statement
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Accessibility Statement

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 AA Level is recognized and acknowledged as the international standard measure of success.

We test our sites to ensure we will meet or exceed that standard and we collaborate with advocacy groups, industry partners, and usability specialists to identify areas that need improvement.

We're working hard to achieve the WCAG 2.0 AA standard. Here are some of the items we are readdressing to make sure our sites are as easy to use as possible for all guests:

  • Non-text Content - Images have alternative text that describes their purpose or meaning.
  • Images of Text - Images that display text are listed on the site in text so that appearances can be adjusted to the user's visual needs.
  • No Keyboard Trap - The keyboard can be used to navigate through or past embedded content.
  • Bypass Blocks - A mechanism is available to bypass the navigation content and third party applications.
  • Page Titled - Titles to individual item pages are attributed.
  • Labels or Instructions - Explicit labeling ensures these fields are labeled for assistive technology.
Keyboard Instructions
change date: Ctrl/Command + ///
previous/next month: Page Up/Down
select date: Enter
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